Next Level DeepTech #3: Showcase of Japanese & German Startups ~Biotech & Sustainable Materials ~

17:00 - 18:30 JST
9:00 - 10:30 CET
*This event will be conducted fully in English
<Event 1liner>
This event aims to promote startup collaboration with industrial players between Japanese and Germany startups in Biotech & Sustainable Materials area.
<Event summary>
This event is the 3rd edition of Plug and Play Japan’s initiative of regular Global DeepTech Pitch Events: “Next Level DeepTech”, with purpose to introduce DeepTech startups which has cutting-edge technology in various fields. In this 3rd edition, Plug and Play Japan is collaborating with Germany VC High-Tech Gründerfonds , the event will feature 8 great Biotech & Sustainable Materials startups, and there will also a keynote session with topic of “Why Japan and Germany should co-create in the deeptech area”.
DeepTechスタートアップのCross Border コラボレーションを促進するプロジェクト「Next Level Deeptech」の第三弾を開催いたします。本取り組みでは、世界各国の最先端の技術を持つDeepTechスタートアップを紹介します。今回第三弾では、ドイツVCであるHigh-Tech Gründerfondsと共同で、ピッチセッションでは日本とドイツから8社の優れたバイオテックとサステイナブル素材のスタートアップ企業が参加します。また、基調講演では「なぜ日本xドイツはdeeptech領域において共創すべきか」をトピックに実施予定です。
<Keynote Speaker / 基調講演 登壇者>
Nikolaus Raupp
Senior Investment Manager, HTGF
BASF社で監査やグローバルサスティナビリティマネージャーを経験したのちに、建築コーティング向けのポリマー分散液の事業部のシニアマネジャーに着任。2021年よりHTGF社に参画し、Altana、Evonik 、WackerなどがLP出資するファンドの化学やバイオ領域のスタートアップ投資を担当。
<Startup pitch lineup / Startup登壇者>
- CarbonFly:
Developed technology to produce carbon nanotubes of various shapes from carbon dioxide with high purity
- Fermelanta:
Development of an integrated platform for the construction of artificial strains for industrial use using synthetic biology
- intelligent fluids:
Replace harmful aggressive solvents with innovative, water-based, and non-toxic formulations that are less harmful to people, product and environment while upholding uncompromised performance standards at the same time.
- Plastformance :
From thermally conductive plastics to hotspot cooling to highly electrically conductive plastics for bipolar plates or heavy plastics for gamma radiation protection: We will find the right solution for you.
- bind-X:
Developed proprietary technologies based upon microbiologically induced calcite precipitation for mining applications or weed protection.
- numaferm:
Explore and harness the potential of affordable peptides, pepteins and proteins with our disruptive bioprocesses for discovery, optimization and production.
- Algal Bio Co., Ltd
Developing unique algal strains for high impact sectors such as food, health and wellness, and energy
- Bioworks
Development of modified polylactic acid compound “PlaX” and fiber products
- Mimotype Technologies
Leveraging biology for the future of transient electronics
<High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF)>
Supported by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
Agenda / Time Table
17:00 ~ 17:05Welcome Remarks from Plug and Play Japan
17:05 ~ 17:30Keynote Session from High-Tech Gründerfonds
17:30 ~ 18:25Startup pitch session: 8 Startups
18:25 ~ 18:30Closing