Next Level DeepTech #4 : Gen AI & Data Creation in Manufacturing

09:00-10:30 JST
(April 23th 17:00-18:30 PT)
*Translation support software for Japanese-English translation will be provided during this event.
<Event 1liner>
This event aims to promote cross-border startup collaboration between Japan and Silicon Valley in Generative AI in manufacturing.
<Event summary>
Join us for “Next Level Deeptech#4: Generative AI in Manufacturing”
This event connects the Silicon Valley and Japan Deeptech verticals to discuss the emerging need for data in a world with AI. As the uses of AI grows the need for high quality training data deepens. Companies lack sufficient data to properly train these new models and are turning to other sources, especially leveraging Generative AI.
Follow along as we discuss the challenges surrounding data creation and showcase 4 startups from Silicon Valley and Japan that are solving these unique challenges. We will culminate the session with a fireside chat with Industry expert. Register today.
本イベントは、Plug and Play Japanが定期的に開催しているグローバルDeepTechピッチイベント「Next Level DeepTech」の第4回目として開催されるものです。第4回目となる今回は、Plug and Play JapanのシリコンバレーオフィスのDeeptechチームと共同で開催します。日本と米国の生成AIに関連するスタートアップが4社登壇する他、弊社シリコンバレーのメンバーと業界の専門家によるFireSide Chatも予定しております。生成AIの製造業における活用可能性やユースケースにご関心のある方は、この機会にぜひご参加ください。
<Trend Input Session>
Kevin Farjallah
Senior Partner Success Manager – Deeptech at Plug and Play Tech Center
<Fireside Chat>
Vishal Singhvi
Director, Strategic Initiatives at Microsoft
現在、MicrosoftでGenerative AIを担当しており、機械学習(ML)とGen AIのユースケースの導入支援チームをリード。また、様々なGen AIおよびAdvanced Analytics業界のフォーラムやカンファレンスで定期的に講演を行っている。商取引プラットフォーム向けのAI/MLモデルの開発に豊富な経験を持つ。2020年にマイクロソフトに入社する以前は、MastercardでアジアにおけるAIとデータ戦略を統括。
Vishal Singhvi is the, Generative AI for Microsoft. He currently leads a team focused on helping our customers deploy Machine Learning(ML) and Generative AI uses-cases responsibly in their critical business areas. Vishal is a thought leader and regular speaker at various Gen AI and Advanced Analytics Industry forums and conferences. He has extensive experience in developing AI/ML Models for Commerce platforms. Prior to joining Microsoft in 2020, Vishal led the AI & Data strategy for Mastercard in Asia
<Startup pitch lineup / Startup登壇者>
Citadel AI:
生成AIを含むAIモデルの信頼性評価・常時監視を行う技術を国内外大手企業に提供/Providing major domestic and international companies with technology to evaluate and constantly monitor the reliability of AI models, including generative AI.
Hutzper Inc. :
製造業向け「速い、簡単、賢い」画像認識エッジAIの開発/Development of “fast, easy, and clever” image recognition edge AI for the manufacturing industry
物理情報AIをリードし、シミュレーションとディープラーニングを組み合わせてリアルタイムの意思決定・ROI達成を支援するサービスを開発/Geminus leads in physics-informed AI, combining simulation with deep learning for real-time decisions, achieving ROI in weeks.
Safeguards AI:
生成AIの事実性を検知し、リアルタイムで修正するソリューションを提供/Factuality and Security Layer of Generative AI
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Contact:Hayata Okubo(
Agenda / Time Table
09:00~09:05Welcome Remarks from Plug and Play
09:05~09:15Trend Input Session from Plug and Play
09:15~09:50Startup Pitch Session
09:50~10:15FireSideChat: Challenges in Gen AI implementation