北欧の最新トレンドと事例から考える日本のスマートシティの未来 vol. 2 ~フィンランドにおける官民連携イノベーション事例~

(渋谷センタープレイス 3F)
北欧の事例から日本のSmart Citiesの未来を考えるイベントの第2弾として、今回はフィンランドにフォーカスを当てたトークイベントを開催いたします。共催のEnter Espoo様よりフィンランドの最新エコシステム事情、スマートシティを推進するSmart Cities Innovation ClusterのCEOより現地での取り組み、そしてフィンランド政府が直営する研究所(フィンランド技術研究センター、VTT)より官民連携によるイノベーション事例についてお話いただきます。
・Enter Espoo
Ms. Mayumi Shimizu
Enter Espoo helps companies, investors, visitors, and travel professionals access business opportunities and exciting adventures in Espoo’s innovation and travel ecosystems. We find the right services, startups, and technologies to support your business goals as well as reliable partners and locations. Our digital channels and platforms support our strong knowledge of and hands-on work in the ecosystems.
・Smart City Innovation Cluster (SCIC)
Mr. Pertti Kortejärvi
SCIC is a non-profit cooperative that facilitates innovative solutions to practical Smart and Sustainability challenges from cities. Our over one hundred members and partners including cities, companies and academia form integrated solutions and concepts globally.
・VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT)
Dr. Kirsi Kotilainen
VTT is a visionary research and innovation partner for companies and society. VTT is one of Europe’s leading research institutions. We are owned by the Finnish state. We advance the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society. Through scientific and technological means, we turn large global challenges into sustainable growth for businesses and society. We bring together people, business, science and technology to solve the biggest challenges of our time. This is how we create sustainable growth, jobs and wellbeing and bring exponential hope.
・Arctic Farming
Mr. Oliver Rotko
Arctic Farming’s core product is a fridge-sized unit that autonomously grows fresh herbs and specialty crops for hotels and restaurants based on NASA technology. It maintains the perfect growing environment based on the plant type, providing customers access to fresh ingredients year-round, with no other requirements than an electricity-plug and water. The product has been designed with future space applications in mind, and the company aspires to grow food for astronauts in the future.
Mr. Kohei Watanabe
With the world’s largest synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) satellite constellation, ICEYE provides access to an entirely new level of persistent monitoring for any location on earth-uninterrupted visibility, day and night, in any weather condition.
・Kuva Space Oy
Senior R&D Engineer, Japan Representative
Our mission is to become a global provider of actionable spaceborne hyperspectral insights to improve life on Earth. Our unique points are: 1) High coverage, and revisit with world’s most extensive hyperspectral satellite constellations 2) High quality data with patented in-orbit tunable spectral camera 3) Near real-time global insights with automated AI-powered analytics platform. Our solutions are for example, Carbon and Environment, Safety and Security, and Food Security and Insurance.
Ben Lee Meng Thong
Senior Business Development Manager
IQM is a Pan-European category leader in building quantum computers and delivers on-premises quantum computers for research laboratories and supercomputing centers and provides complete access to its hardware. For industrial customers, IQM delivers quantum advantage through a unique application-specific co-design approach.We provide cloud service access to our Quantum Computers to build and run your quantum algorithms, exploring science on latest QPUs
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Agenda / Time Table
16:00~16: 05Opening
16: 05~16:16フィンランドのDeeptechとサステナビリティ都市Espooの最新エコシステムについて(Enter Espoo)
※本セッションのみ日本語 -
16:16~16:27フィンランドにおけるスマートシティの取り組み(Smart Cities Innovation Cluster)
16:27~16:38官民連携から生まれたイノベーション事例について(フィンランド国立技術研究センター VTT)
16:38~17:00スタートアップ プレゼンテーション(4社)
- Arctic Farming
- Kuva Space Oy