Next Level DeepTech #2: Latvia ~Agri-Tech & Advanced Materials~

16:00 - 17:30 JST
10:00 - 11:30 Riga
*This event will be conducted fully in English
<Event 1liner>
This event aims to promote startup collaboration with industrial players between Japan and Latvia startups in Agri-Tech & Advanced Materials area.
<Event summary>
This event is the 2nd edition of Plug and Play Japan’s initiative of regular Global DeepTech Pitch Events: “Next Level DeepTech”, with purpose to introduce DeepTech startups which has cutting-edge technology in various fields. We believe this pitch opportunity is an important key for DeepTech startups to find collaboration opportunities with industrial players or large corporates globally, in order to further scale-up and be able to solve social and environmental issues.
In this 2nd edition of “Next Level DeepTech” event, Plug and Japan is collaborating with Commercialization Reactor, the event will feature 8 great Agri/Food Tech and Advanced Materials startups, and will also feature keynote speakers of industry players presenting their innovation activity in Japan & Latvia.
This event is also a part of “DeepTech Atelier“, a Baltics’ largest deep tech industry event organized by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and Commercialization Reactor, which is a two-day conference that offers outstanding international speakers, pitch sessions, a large EXPO zone, and excellent networking opportunities. The topic includes quantum, optical fiber, sensors, etc.
Why Latvia? 13% of Latvian startups founded since 2012 are in deeptech. The legislation includes a startup friendly taxation system like providing low flat social tax and no individual tax for startup employees. Additionally, Latvian government is putting so much effort into developing deeptech ecosystem.
<Event 1liner>
DeepTechスタートアップのCross Border コラボレーションを促進するプロジェクト「Next Level Deeptech」の第二弾を開催いたします。本取り組みでは、世界各国の最先端の技術を持つDeepTechスタートアップを紹介します。このピッチ機会は、DeepTechスタートアップが、さらなるスケールアップや社会・環境問題の解決に向けて、グローバル大企業とのコラボレーション機会を提供することを目的としています。
今回第二弾では、ラトビアのDeeptechアクセラレーターであるCommercialization Reactorと共同で、日本とラトビアから8社の優れたアグリ/フードテック、アドバンスドマテリアルのスタートアップ企業が参加し、基調講演では、日本と欧州の大企業によるイノベーションの取り組みについてお話しいただきます。
このイベントは、ラトビア投資開発庁とCommercialization Reactorが主催する「DeepTech Atelier」イベントの一部として開催します。「DeepTech Atelier」は、バルト最大のディープテックイベントであり、優れた世界各国のスピーカー、ピッチセッション、プロダクト展示会場、素晴らしいネットワーキングの機会を提供する2日間のカンファレンスとなっています。テーマは、量子、光ファイバー、センサーなどを多岐に渡ります。
<Keynote speakers>
・Plug and Play Japan’s Partner: Asahi Kasei
Founded in 1922, the Asahi Kasei Group is a diversified manufacturer centered on chemistry focusing on Materials, Home, and Healthcare
・Commercialization Reactor’s Partner: Ferdinand Bartels / INAM(Innovation Network for Advanced Materials)
INAM is a Berlin-based, globally active organisation, founded by industry leaders, research institutes, investors and public offices to accelerate deep tech startups and help complex innovations reach their target audience.
・Plug and Play Japanパートナー企業: 旭化成
・Commercialization Reactorパートナー企業: Ferdinand Bartels / INAM(Innovation Network for Advanced Materials)
<Startup pitch lineup>
・Mebiol :
Developed film with nano-sized holes that allow only the water and nutrients necessary for crop growth to pass through.
・Pt-bio :
Genome Editing and Digital Technology for a Bioeconomy Society
・Microwave Chemical :
Developed plastic chemical recycling technologies such as microwave-assisted thermal decomposition and depolymerization.
・3DC :
A new carbon material, Graphene Mesosponge (GMS), that accelerates the evolution of batteries.
・3D Strong :
Produces additive materials based on modified Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for 3D printing materials
・Adianano :
A novel approach in developing high quality nano-silicon and low-layered graphene
・Elogium :
Probiotic solutions for broiler producers
・Conelum Biotech :
Development of rapid microbiological diagnostic tests for food and drink industry companies.
・Mebiol :
・Pt-bio :
・Microwave Chemical :
・3DC :
・3D Strong :
・Adianano :
・Elogium :
・Conelum Biotech :
Agenda / Time Table
(All in JST)
16:00 ~ 16:05Welcome Remarks from Plug and Play Japan & Commercialization Reactor
16:05 ~ 16:20Startups as growth enablers for established companies - Best practices from INAM’s ecosystem
16:20 ~ 16:45Startup pitch session: Latvia
16:45 ~ 17:00Open Innovation Activities of Asahi Kasei and Expectations for Startups
17:00 ~ 17:25Startup pitch session: Japan
17:25 ~ 17:30Closing