Sustainable solutions in energy industry : Japan x Nordic countries

17:00 - 18:00
<Event summary / 概要>
In this virtual pitch event (joint event with Nordic Innovation House), we will invite international startups especially in Nordic countries to show their cutting-edge technologies to Japanese companies that are focusing on clean technology within energy field. (For Reference) Nordics are at top of The green future index by MIT:
(参考)北欧がThe green future index by MITの上位を占めている:
<Nordic Innovation House introduction / 紹介>
The Nordic Innovation House is a community platform accelerating high-quality Nordic startups, scaleups, and growth companies in Japan. 北欧5ヵ国のスタートアップや成長企業の日本進出を支援する政府関係のプラットフォームです。
<Who should join / 当イベントの参加対象者>
Japanese stakeholders who are looking for open innovation partners and collaborations as well as investment opportunities. オープンイノベーションのパートナー/コラボレーションにご関心がある
<Agenda / アジェンダ>
1.Opening (5 mins).
オープニング (5分)
2.Nordic Innovation House presentation (10 mins).
Nordic Innovation Houseプレゼン (10分)
3.Startup pitch (5mins pitch & 2mins QA, total 5 startups)
スタートアップピッチ(5分ピッチ & 2分 QA, 合計5社の予定)
<Startup Lineup / 登壇スタートアップ>
-Bergen Carbon Solutions – Norway
Bergen Carbon Solutions is a manufacturer and supplier of carbon nanofiber using CO2 as raw material.
-Carbon Recycling International – Iceland
CRI has leading CO2-to-methanol technology. They produce and help others to produce renewable and low-carbon intensity methanol from carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen and electricity for fuel applications, greener chemicals and products. CRIのETLプロセスで化石燃料への依存度を減らし、CO2排出量ゼロの実現に取り組んでいます。
-Carbfix – Iceland
Carbfix captures CO2 and turns it into stone underground in less than two years through proprietary technology that imitates and accelerates natural weathering processes. Carbfixの技術で、2年以内にCO2を地下の石に変換させる技術を提供しています。
-Liquid Wind – Sweden
Liquid wind is a climate tech company focused on brining Carbon neutral Marine fuel to market at scale. To meet growing demand for cleaner fuel alternatives and reduce global carbon emissions. We develop, finance, build and manage commercial scale eMethanol facilities. Liquid Windは、商業規模のeMethanol施設の開発、資金調達、建設、および管理を行っています。 各施設は、持続可能な長期投資の機会を提供しています。
-Teraloop – Finland
Teraloop supports sustainable mobility and distributed energy resources, producing innovative kinetic energy storage systems and developing energy projects in Asia and Europe. Teraloopは、太陽エネルギーと風力エネルギーの間欠性を安定させ、電力品質や停電等の課題を解決するのに役立つエネルギー貯蔵ソリューションを製造し、アジアとヨーロッパで持続可能なエネルギー及びモビリティのサポートを提供しています。
※The registration information is shared between the organizing bodies (Plug and Play Japan & Nordic Innovation House). 登録情報はPlug and Play Japan & Nordic Innovation House間で共有されます。