Yosuke Yamamoto
Universal Materials Incubator
JSR株式会社に入社後、経営企画部にて中期経営計画など戦略立案業務やCVC活動の立上げ・投資実行、JSR Micro NV(電子材料欧州拠点)にて管理部門長を務めた他、株式会社医学生物学研究所 戦略推進部長としてPMIマネジメントや事業開発活動に従事。2017年4月にUMI参画。UMIでは投資全般を担当し、特に環境分野やライフサイエンス分野の案件を実行。慶應義塾大学経済学部卒、青山学院大学大学院国際マネジメント研究科修了。
Language:Japanese, English
After joining JSR Corporation, he worked in the Corporate Planning Department, where he was involved in the creation of strategies, including medium-term management plans, as well as the startup of corporate venture capital (CVC) activities and the execution of investments. He served as General Manager of the Management Division at JSR Micro NV (a European subsidiary handling electronics materials), and also served as General Manager of the Strategy Division at Medical & Biological Laboratories Co., Ltd., where he was involved in PMI management and business development activities. He joined UMI in April 2017. At UMI, he's responsible for investment in general, and especially involved in cleantech and life science field deals. He graduated from the Keio University Faculty of Economics, and completed a Graduate degree in International Management from the Aoyama Business School (ABS) at Aoyama Gakuin University.
Investment Area:Japan, International
Investment Stage:Pre-Seed, Seed, Early, Middle, Later
Investment fields, Interest:Health, New Materials, Energy