Katsuyuki Hasegawa
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
Prime Partners Inc
シリコンバレーのVCコミュニティーで10年以上活動し、強固なソーシング力、起業家&投資家ネットワークを構築。電通ベンチャーズ、並びに三菱地所のCVCファンドである Bricks Fund Tokyo ではジェネラルパートナーとして、主に海外ベンチャー企業のソーシング、日本・アジアへの事業展開支援に従事。米国では著名スタートアップアクセラレーターのメンターも務める。主な投資先は Mysten Labs (Layer1 ブロックチェーン)、Upside Foods(食肉細胞培養)、Overtime(スポーツメディア)、Solsten(ゲーム開発者向けAI)、Narvar(EC /SaaS)など
南カリフォルニア大学国際関係・経済学部(BA)物理学(BS)卒業/MBA修了 千葉大学大学院医学研究院 免疫発生学 MS修了 ジョンス・ホプキンス大学 医学部 バイオメディカルサイエンス PhD Candidate
投資領域・関心分野:IoT、フィンテック、Retail Tech、ヘルス
Language:Japanese, English
We specialize in supporting the implementation of new services and products to various sites. Specifically, we accompany target businesses (transportation, retail, leisure, hotels, real estate, etc.) in sales and support discussions for PoC implementation. As for the seed stage, if you have a prototype, we can provide advice based on our various on-site implementation experiences.
Having been active in the Silicon Valley VC community for over 10 years, and has established a strong sourcing capability and entrepreneur/investor network. As a General Partner at Dentsu Ventures and Bricks Fund Tokyo, a CVC fund of Mitsubishi Estate, he is primarily involved in sourcing overseas startups and supporting their business expansion into Japan and Asia. Additionally, he serves as a mentor at a well-known startup accelerator in the United States. Some of his major investments include Mysten Labs (Layer1 blockchain), Upside Foods (cultivated meat), Overtime (sports media), Solsten (AI for game developers), and Narvar (EC/SaaS).
Investment Area:Japan, International
Investment Stage:Seed, Early, Middle
Investment fields, Interest:IoT, Fintech, Retail Tech, Health